2021 List
Last update: 5/9
In here I will try to keep up the best with the locations and the riders in training camps. The focus is on World Tour riders but top Pro Continental riders and teams aswell. The main idea behind it is to have a better idea of where riders choose to train, both in altitude and pre-season, the duration of these and who takes part in it, which can be used to know what riders will be riding the future Grand Tours, to know better the blocks within the teams and also to be more aware of their form and training schedules. All the riders in the list are confirmed, there may be more that I couldn't track/identify.
This is where you come in. It's a project which the goal is to have a platform where you can see it and my search is based on Strava and Twitter, but there's lots more online and direct ways of knowing about these, and if you know of any World Tour rider and/or big name in the Pro Continental in one you can make a contribution so I can further enlargen the database and provide more information for everyone interested.
Want to make a contribution? Contact me on one of the means below:
echelonsreviews@gmail.com; Chitchat; Twitter Direct Message.